I was requested by a friend to create a paper quilling project in the classical style, and came up with this basket of flowers. Frankly, I'm not satisfied with it, maybe because it's not exactly my style of quilling.

I followed instructions from Claire Choi's "The Art of Paper Quilling" to make the purple flowers. The basket was weaved from gilded and beige quilling strips. As I already mentioned, I've been using only hand-cut and sometimes also hand-colored strips. Quilled elements are mounted on a sheet of watercolor paper, some of them using a double-sided adhesive tape to add dimension. Size of the finished work is 9 3/8'' x 12 1/2'' (24x32 cm).
UPDATE: Detailed instructions for the purple flowers and more can be found now on Claire's blog: Fringed Cornflower.
It is beautiful :)
I am so glad I found your blog (via TBD). I am an American currently living in Israel and *just* started quilling. I am currently awaiting a shipment from the US of papers for my first project. Your work and designs are some of the best I have seen on my quilling journey through the websites.
Also, what do you think of Claire's book? I just ordered it, but as you say in your initial book review in April, it's hard to know what to buy when you can't flip through it at the store. Some Amazon reviews loved it, others thought the paper sizes too confusing for a beginner. Your opinion?
Карасиво!!! Тоже книжечку преобрела,позравляю с пкупкой, цена у книги хорошая, а я в 3 раза дороже купила. Теперь будешь осваивать..., успехов!!!
Oh my goodness! This is stunning! I'm sorry to hear you aren't satisfied with it...it's a work of art. Way better than my clumsy hands could achieve.
Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring!
Very pretty and nicely done. I agree with you though, it's a classic quilling design. I like your own style better because you tend to think outside the box.
c'est magnifique
Inna, it is beautiful! I have a request, could you write a short tutorial on how you cut your strips so precisely. I would like to link to it if you would post it, so others who would like to be able to cut their own strips would have that info. I myself have some paper that I purchased to make strips but cannot get a straight 1/8"! You really should write your own book!!!
Thanks everyone!
Jeanne, you create such beautiful things and talk about clumsy hands! I can't believe this :)
Sonya, please look at this post. Let me know if it's not sufficient and I'll be happy to explain this in detail in a separate post. BTW, I'm awaiting a package of pre-cut strips :)
Claire's book is good, but more of a "nice to have". I can tell nothing of the paper sizes, since I never follow the instructions exactly as written, sorry. I like this book for tips and inspiration.
For a beginner I would recommend Jane Jenkins' "Quilling: Techniques and Inspiration". I own this book, like it very much and will be reviewing it soon.
Обалдеть! красота! столько цветов, столько труда вложено! безнадежно отстаю... :)
Завитушка, спасибо, а книга, как вы и говорили, действительно так себе...
Mary, спасибо, я как раз этой работой не довольна - не мой стиль, делала по просьбе знакомой.
Очень красиво! Прелестная корзиночка!
Спасибо :)
excellent quilling works.i havent seen like this before..great..:-)
Thank you!
HI Inna!!
again its a wonderful work done by yew. specially i loved your purple flowers. pls tell me how yew hav made these?? plz write a tutorial for making these purple flowers.
Thank you, skd!
I followed the instructions from Claire Choi's "The Art of Paper Quilling" to make the purple flowers. I can't reproduce the instructions, but you can see them on the book cover.
hey this bunch of flowers are extremely beautiful:)
I am not so creative but I adore creativity.
Thank you :)
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