Today I'd like to share my opinion on Quilling: Techniques and Inspiration by Jane Jenkins. Especially because I've been often asked to recommend a good book on paper quilling for beginners.
This is my favorite quilling book up to date. It contains useful general information, very clear step-by-step instructions, and high quality illustrations. When I say "high quality", I mean clear, beautiful and easy to understand.

A wide range of quilling types and techniques are explained in this book: open and closed coils, wheatearing, fringed flowers, crimping, and so on. All these with excellent examples showing how different shapes and techniques can be used in your projects. This is the book, which I learned about the double fringed flowers from. I must say though, that the instructions for these flowers aren't detailed enough, so I had to figure out myself how to make them.
Like in other books of this kind, you can find various projects to help you dive into the world of paper quilling. But unlike many other books I've seen, the projects in this one are very varied and creative. Each project has a pattern and detailed step-by-step instructions, as I already mentioned. Usually it also shows different ways of using the same technique.
Probably the main reason for me to love this book, is that it teaches the fundamentals of paper quilling in a way that allows you to create your own designs, and not just follow a pattern. I would highly recommend it to beginners as well as experienced quillers.
Thanks for sharing :) Helps beginners like me to choose the right books!
You are welcome!
Hi Inna, I completely agree - this is my favorite book to date also. My library borrowed it for me from a library in another state and when I returned it, I mentioned to the librarian they really needed to get their own copy as it's the best. Believe it or not, they soon ordered a copy!
merci à toi, je vais commander ce livre qui semble plus actuel.
Thanks Ann for backing me up :)
Nel, I'm sure you won't regret!
Инна,спасибо за чудесные фото с мастер-классом.
Eva, это только фрагменты. Я очень рекомендую эту книгу!
У нас нет в продаже этой книги.К сожалению...
Понимаю, т.к. у нас тоже таких книг не продают :( Я заказывала по интернету из США с Amazon.
My first quilling book is still my favorite: Klutz Twirled Paper. It comes with all the tools needed to start, step-by-step instructions, and fantastic tips.
I 100% agree with you, it's my second favorite :) I'm going to review this one, too.
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