Here's another quilled creation of mine. A new addition to the "Bugs and flowers" series — dandelions. The design is completely original, without the use of a book or something :)
The yellow flowers are simple fringed flowers with a yellow inner and green outer fringe. You can see the complete instructions for making them in my tutorial on making poppies and dandelions (scroll down to Quilled dandelion).

Each stem is made from two 1/8''-wide strips glued together lengthwise. The leafs are simply cut out of a piece of colored paper. The ant and moth were quilled using regular 1/8'' strips.
Figuring out how to make the seed head was a great deal of challenge. I ended up making every single parachute from parchment and gluing it onto a small green semi-sphere.
Size: 16x22cm (6 5/16 x 8 5/8 inches) including the frame, which is made from watercolor paper and hand-colored. The frame is 1.5cm (5/8 inch) wide and 2cm (3/4 inch) deep.
Other projects from this series:
Wow! I am in absolute AWE at your talent and creativity. Amazing! Thank you SO much for sharing!
Inna, I loved your quilling!
It's very, very, very beautiful!!!
(sorry, my english is very basic!!)
Jeanne and Raquel, thank you so much for the compliments!
The white flower is looking extra fabulous. love your quilling!
Wow just superb Specially the white flower How did you make the frame.
You are just too amazing!! Your work is such an inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing your creations! Blessings to you!
wow! it's awesome!
Thank you all! You can't even imaging how much your kind comments encourage me!
Madhavi, I'm in the process of writing a tutorial about these frames, so be patient :)
Thanks alot Inna :)
Хорошенькие! Как живые!
Спасибо, Светлана :)
Очеь все красиво и продуманно до мелочей - от одуванчиков до муравья! Супер!!!
Прям как живые!!! И все чашелистики, и все лепесточки... белый одуван - вообще шедевр!.. И мурашик не забыт ;) Как всегда, очаровательно!
Большое спасибо :)
wow..excellent work.you are insipiring me a lot..
Wondrous! Makes me ALMOST like weeds now. You've really captured the texture, as if the wind will blow the white seeds away.
Thanks a lot! BTW, I'm an old fan of your quilling :)
Hi..The dandelion looks awesome...could u explain with pictures how did u made it ?
Thanks, Shruti, I'm going to write a tutorial about the dandelions. Please be patient :)
sunt superbe creatiile tale ...esti un izvor de inpiratie!!!imi plac la nebunie
semnat ana
Thank you!
Simply Suberb.I am so glad I discovered your blog! Love it
Dr Sonia S V
great quilling....i m a big fan,ur work is simply amazing.
Can u plz help me with one thing i can not figure out how u made the white flower,plz help me!!
Dr Sonia S V, nidhi, thanks a lot!
@nidhi see this post.
Absolutely amazing! Never did I think that looking for an instructions to make a paper rose on utube would bring me on this wonderful blog. On the very next day I run into the nearest Office Depot, bought paper and got a-quillin'! Your work is beautiful, inspirational, and incredibly real looking. I hope u decide to write a book. I am sure many who enjoy your art will agree
Thank you very much, Marina!
Fantastic flowers. Can you tell me how you made the white dandelion with the fringing? It is stunning!!!!
Thank you, TPH!
Please have a look at http://increations.blogspot.com/2009/08/dandelions-and-raspberries-quilling.html, I explained how to make the white dandelion there.
Preciosas tus creaciones!!! te felicito y muchas gracias por compartir tu maravilloso conocimiento :D
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