Today is my elder daughter's birthday :) She's the best fan of my quilling, and naturally wanted to have a quilling card for her special day. As for the design, a fairy seemed a good choice for a girl's card to me.

In this card I tried to combine paper quilling with parchment craft, which has been used for the curtains. The curtains are mounted on adhesive foam to add even more dimension. To create the tiny butterflies I used simple quilling and paper punchers. I also used a gel pen for the lettering, and pattern-edged scissors for the framing.
I think it's needless to mention that my sweet girl liked the card a lot :)
Великолепная открытка!
Прикольная открытка!
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happy birthday !!
Открытка красотища! Фея супер! А от шторок я болдею...
Thank you all!
Спасибо всем!
Светлана, к сожалению, те, кто ворует, плевать хотели на знаки и подписи. А те, кто не ворует, и без знаков знает, что любое творение принадлежит его автору. Но вы наверное правы: пусть будет ещё одно предупреждение. Как добавить знак копирайта я вам напишу в личку в ЖЖ
Your quilling is beautiful....love the curtains. This is such a cleaver and delightful card!
Your creations never cease to amaze me. This is no exception. I remember trying parchment craft once, but I never could get the hang of it, so when I see it done beautifully like here, I'm in awe.
Happy Birthday to your daughter, I'll just bet she loved this card!
Cindy, Jeanne, thank you both very much!
Инна! отличная открытка! занавески - это чудо! долго любовалась. Как ты умудрилась сделать в технике пергамано шторки объемными?
Спасибо, Мари! Пергамано само собой получается объёмным, а я их ещё на вспененный скотч приподняла.
your quilling is really amazing. and a source of inspiration for me.
Thank you :)
Открытка просто восторг, такое органичное соединение разных техник. Здорово.
amazing crafts...
Hi, Inna your work is Amazing, Mind blowing... Thank you for sharing.. :-)
Thank you so much for the compliments, Divya!
Hi Inna.Could you explain how you made those lovely curtains.
Simply lovely effect.
Dr Sonia S V
Dear Dr Sonia S V, I'm really sorry for the late response. For the curtains I used the pergamano technique (Parchment craft). I'm sure you can find tutorials for it on the Web, although I learned it from a book.
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