Some time ago I made many sketches of paper quilled pendants and earrings I'd like to create. I don't have much time to materialize all of those ideas, that's why they show up so slowly. The Hamsa pendant was the first one, and here comes a seahorse. I used hand-cut beige strips for it, gilded the edges using a metallic gold marker. The eye is a red rhinestone. The finished pendant was coated with matte varnish spray. Its length is about 1 3/4'' (4.5cm). I enjoy experimenting with quilled jewelry very much, so more to follow :)
You must also see Ann Martin's exquisite gilded paper pendants! Ann, I know you're reading this, I really love what you do with paper strips.
What a GORGEOUS piece of art. Wow. I am constantly amazed at the projects you create. This must have taken a long time and lots of patience.
Thank you so much for sharing!
Wow - your seahorse looks so realistic! You did a wonderful job with shaping him. What brand of gold marker did you use for the gilding, if I may ask? It looks like it has a really nice gleam.
Thanks so much for the compliment and the link to my blog - much appreciated!
Jeanne, Ann, thank you very much!
Ann, I used Artline 900XF GOLD marker, but unfortunately it loses shine after a couple of days :( I will try acrylic paint next time.
Инна, у Вас получилась элегантная подвеска и я уже немного завидую счастливой обладательнице этого украшения.
Спасибо, Вера! Напишите мне на мэйл свой почтовый адрес и она будет ваша :) Только она уже не такая блестящая - маркер потускнел :(
Wow, that's really beautiful. I love paper jewelry but I never tried quilling, are the finished pieces resistant? what kind of glue do you use to join the paper roles with each other?
P.S: Sorry if I wasn't clear enough, I'm from Uruguay and my mother tongue is Spanish.
Thank you! Yes, the finished pieces are resistant, there are special varnishes for paper that harden and preserve it. For quilling I use white crafts glue (PVA).
P.S. You're very clear, and English isn't my mother tongue either :)
Thank you for the response! I will definitively try quilling some time!
Inna, WOW is all I can say about your work> I just met you by seeing you on my blog. You are certainly one talented woman. I will be visiting you often to be inspired.
Marcelle (stamping thyme)
WOW is all I can say with this creation, your work is just beautiful. Thank you for visitng my blog, I consider it an honor that you would become a follower. I have so much to learn from you, I cannot wait.
Luv the way each segment of the seahorse is quilled - really captures the pattern, including the decreasing segments near the tail.
Stamping Thyme, Buddha Bellies thanks for the kind comments! You both have wonderful and inspiring blogs!
This is a beautiful piece of art, I am a huge fan of your work, thanks for visiting my blog and appreciating my attempt at quilling. It means a lot coming from you!
Thank you, Juhi.
Wow - what a beautiful pendant! I can see so many applications for this - not just jewelry, but as adornments for lampshades, in a deep picture frame to create a 3D effect - very cool! Thanks for sharing.
The pendant is stunning! it's so detailed! Thanks for the inspiration!
Marilla, Ana, thank you very much!
Я бы такое украшение с удовольствием носила :-))) Смотрится натурально :-))) Это бумага такая под золото? Не отличишь )))
Спасибо, Алёна! Это я покрасила торцы полосок золотистым маркером. Но есть и промышленные такие - с золотым и серебряным торцом.
Ну надо же, а я даже и не могла подумать ))) Всё гениальное просто :-)))
Inna!!!! What can I say to a quilling artist like you??? All your work is absolutely fantastic and I´ve no words to tell you how much I love all them. Your pendants are amazing. I´m very proud to receive your visit at my blog, thank you so much!!
Have a great sunday!!
Regina, thank you so much for your kind comment. I must say I enjoy visiting your blog, too.
Wow........this is awesome. You are so talented.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks, Gaby!
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