What I like about paper filigree is that it presents almost endless challenges, and I like challenges :) In this project the poppy centers were a challenge, at least to me.
Just to remind you, this is the second part of a three-part tutorial on making quilled poppies:
- Instructions for making the petals;
- How to make the centers and assemble the flowers;
- Making the foliage and the dandelion.
Flower centers
To make each poppy center, you'll need a 12''-long (30cm) black strip.

1. Make a tight roll and then create a quilled hive or bell shape. This shape is often called a grape roll. Coat the inside of the shape with glue, spreading it on thick.

2. Cut a 1/16''-wide (1mm) strip of a very pale brown or pale yellow color. Glue three 1/2''-long (13mm) pieces of the strip criss-cross onto the grape roll.

3. Prepare two 3/8 x 2 inches (1 x 5 cm) black paper strips and glue a 1/16''-wide (1-1.5mm) yellow strip along the long edge of each. Let the glue dry, then cut a fringe starting from the yellow strip's side.

4. Wrap each bell in a fringe, so that the cuts point in a direction opposite to the bell's top (criss-crossed strips).

5. Bend the fringe all the way up. Now it surrounds the bell shape and forms a kind of a cup around it.
Poppy flowers
Now, let's put everything together and create a finished poppy flower.

1. Place two of your quilled petals at an angle to the surface, opposite each other. To keep the petals tilted, I just propped them against quilling elements that I haven't used in this project.

2. Apply a small amount of glue on the down side of another two petals and gently put them over the first pair. Let the glue dry.

3. Finally, attach a flower center to the flower. Repeat steps 1-3 for the other poppy.
The bud
For the bud (it can be seen in Part 1 of the series), use three eye shapes, one red and two green, made from 6''-long (15cm) strips.
Great work! Thank you for such a fabulous tutorial.
Congratulations on an excellent tutorial! Very clear instructions and step-by-step photos. I am going to have to try this flower. Thank you for sharing.
Инна, Ваши работы великолепны!
Инна, вам нужно уже свою книгу выпускать! Отличные пошаговые обяъснения, прекрасные и понятные фотографии и оригинальные дизайны!
Спасибо, я вся измучалась, глядя на маки в предыдущем посте, пытаясь догадаться, как делать такую серединку.
Инна, какие маки восхитительные!!
Спасибо!! Все понятно без слов!
Thanks everybody! I tried my best to make it interesting and clear :)
Спасибо всем огромное! Я очень старалась, чтобы было понятно и интересно :)
Спасибо за подаренную красоту и великолепные МК!
Wonderful tutorial.
Супер! Какие красивые маки! Спасибо за мастер-класс.
П О Т Р Я С А Ю Щ Е!!!!!!!!!!!! Спасибо, Инночка!!!
ksuleka, tori, Кукурузка, спасибо за комплименты!
aljosee, thanks a lot!
What precision and patience; I know that!
very beautiful,well done!
thank you for your faithfulness
Here the link for my blog in english:
boussa L'As
Olá amiga!
Passei para rever seu trabalho que continua tudo de bom! Cada vez mais criativo e alegre!
Parabéns! Um ótimo fim de semana!
Espero você em:
Beijinhos carinhosos.
Itabira - Brasil
Thank you both very much!
Как живые,красиво!
Great Tutorial! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Elli and Ana!
Very nice. I'm amazed by your creativity. Good luck with it.
Thank you, newi!
extremely impressed :) by yours step-by-step idea to make craft so neatly...really impressive work done by you....!!! :) :) :) :)
Dhruva.Mistry, thank you!
Very nice...I'll try to do it!!!
Bardzo dobrze i przystępnie objaśnione! Wielkie brawa!
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