September 17, 2009

Spooky spider cake :)

Spider cake

I made this spider cake for one of my kid's birthdays. I thought I'd post it before Halloween, for my readers who celebrate this holiday.

By the way, spiders are amazing creatures in my opinion. I don't think there are many people who like spiders, but there's no reason to be afraid of them, either.

Spider cake, back

So, if you're not scared, you will need a round sponge cake, marzipan, vanilla cream, and cocoa powder or melted chocolate.

  1. Prepare some brown cream by mixing some chocolate into vanilla cream.
  2. Spread white vanilla cream over the cake, then paint the cobweb with the brown cream you've made.
  3. Shape the spider's body, head and legs from marzipan: two large balls, two small balls (for the eyes), and 8 short ropes.
  4. Place the spider into the center of the cake.
  5. Use some brown cream to decorate the spider: mark the eyes and give a brownish tint to the body.

That's it, nothing particularly difficult, as you can see. My children had fun tearing off and eating its legs, fortunately it was only a cake :)

Other "spider" ideas:


Завитушка said...

Мммм, на вид ооочень вкусьненький и необычный тортик! Приятного аппетита...

eva said...

Какой интересный торт.А детки не боятся пауков?

zolushka said...

Инна, не сомневаюсь, что деткам понравился такой необычный тортик! Ты фантазёрка!

Inna D. said...

Спасибо всем большое! Детки отрывали лапки и с удовольствием поедали :)

mar4ik said...

Замечательный тортик и отличный марципановый паучок