Long awaited instructions and templates for making a beveled paper frame I've used for my quilling projects "Poppies" and "Dandelions and raspberries". To additionally illustrate the use of a frame like this, I've created a quilled passionflower, which isn't a thoroughly designed work, so be indulgent, please.
We're going to make a frame that is 2.5 cm (1 inch) wide and 2 cm (6/16 inch) deep. I'm sorry, but you'll have to use a ruler with metric system units for this project.
Step 1: Preparing a paper rectangle
Measure the artwork to frame, add 10.5 cm at each side and cut out a rectangle of the dimensions you've calculated. Use heavyweight (240 gsm) cardstock paper.
Step 2: Drafting

Use one of the following methods to draw the lines: print out the template, cut it out and transfer onto the piece of cardstock you've prepared; alternatively, you may just draw the lines with a pencil according to the diagram above.
Templates for download
Download one of the PDF templates for the right paper size and print it out. Make sure you don't resize or scale the page when printing.
There's no need to download a template if you're not going to print it. Just draw the lines following the diagram above.
Notice that the corners are marked "top right", "bottom left" etc. Line up a cutout with a corresponding corner of the rectangle. Transfer the lines by pressing them into the paper, using a needle, or tracing the template around like shown in the photo. Using a pencil, mark with dots the points where the creases start.
After repeating the procedure for all the four corners, connect the dots with lines that go along the paper edges.

Step 3: The cutout
Carefully cut away the corners. Score the cardstock according to the crease lines and fold like shown below.

Step 3: Assembling
Start assembling the frame. If you don't use the back of the frame as a background, glue your picture down to the frame at this point. Then fold the border like shown in the pictures, simultaneously inserting the sides of a corner into each other.

Repeat for the rest of the corners. When done, carefully glue the bottom of the border to the back of the frame.
Have you noticed that little square I'd left in the corner? It folds into a triangle, goes inside the border and gives the frame extra rigidness. I must credit Svetlana for this idea.

Check out my old paper frame instructions as well. The design of that one is simpler, but may better suite some of your projects.
Чудесный цветок, все насмотреться не могу, продуман до мелочей ... ну очень красиво, леписточки тоже супер!
Красивый цветочек!
Рамка интересная - спасибо!
What a great tutorial! Thanks for posting it. Your work is beautiful. Thanks also for your comment on my blog. I am happy you stopped by.
Инна, какой нежный цветок! Такая ювелирная работа! Спасибо за шаблон рамочки!
Оксана, Светлана, Татьяна, спасибо всем большое!
Lisa, thank you very much!
Inna!!! I love to visit your blog and see so beautiful projects you do.
The frame is fantastic and your passion flower is so simple but wonderful!!!
Thanks for sharing your talent with us.
Thank you so much, Regina!
Инна, красивый цветок! рамка и вправду интересная! и я в восторге от листьев! нигде не встречала подобного. Из какой бумаги, если не секрет? :)
Мари, спасибо большое! Листики сорвала натуральные, положила на них сверху бледно зеленую бумагу для принтера и сверху потерла зеленым восковым мелком, потом вырезала.
I love the flower. Your work are amazing!
Thank you, Helen!
i've been waiting for this one! thanks so much for posting!
You are welcome, Rohini :)
Инна спасибо за шаблон рамки!!! Я много раз использовала твой предыдущий МК по рамке, но почему то каждый раз переворачиваю ее ))))) и делаю как выпуклое панно. Так было и с Анютиными глазками и с 3-х цветными цветами. Так еще оказывается очень легко вешать работу, воткнул гвоздь и готово!!!
Цветок получился очень необычный, я все смотрю и смотрю на него...Притягивает взгляд. Листья очень красивые!!!
Спасибо, Аня! Я никогда не пробовала переворачивать рамку, просто приклеиваю сзади петельку, чтобы вешать. Цветок долго разглядывала настоящий, прежде, чем сделать квиллинг :)
Thank you for sharing artwork, so beautiful and creative
Thank you, Nati! It was supposed to be an article about frames, not quilling :)
Beautiful work, darling! Thank you for the ideas! Kisses from Romania! Roxana
Thank you, Roxana!
merci pour ce partage
You are welcome, nel!
Инна, сделала рамку , из ватмана , без скотча не держится.Нужен картон или есть какой-то секрет?
Ирина, я тоже делаю из ватмана, но бортики снизу приклеиваю, без клея она действительно не держит форму.
Инна, спасибо огромное , первый раз все делаю. Мое вдохновение от ваших работ!! Спасибо за ваш труд и отзывчивость!
Рамочка очень сложная в сборке...
Что делать? Как её закрепить?
Ирина, спасибо!
malka-crafts, что именно у вас вызвало затруднение при сборке? Закрепить можно клеем ПВА, без клея она действительно не держится, разворачивается. Приклейте нижние поля боковинок к задней стенке рамочки или к фону работы, вставленной в рамочку. Работу я обычно тоже приклеиваю по краям к задней стенке рамки. Вот здесь есть рамка попроще.
Inna, I have been following your blog for quite some time now. Everytime I visit I am more impressed. You are so talented. I have this wishful thinking of having a collection on paper quilling crafts with the wonderful tutorials you have beeb posting. Let's see when my dream comes true...
i was looking for this frame for so long!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much Sangeeta! Let's see :)
You are welcome!
inna, the frame is fantabulous. Was thinking of doinga wall-hanging and was about to purchase a paper frame. but now I know, I mustn't :)
Usha Rao
Thank you, Usha!
Hi Inna.I am Dr Sonia. I love the frame.Truly 3 D and gorgeous .I have always wanted to make something just like this.
Dr Sonia S V
Thank you, Dr Sonia S V!
I really enjoy watching your work.
I would like to ask you if you use a special varnish for your work (especially for 3D and frame creations) after the work is completed.
For example, I read that for jewels you have to use some special varnish.
Thank you so much for your ideas.
Thank you, Elena! Usually I don't use varnish for my work. I tried Grumbacher's Picture and oil painting Varnish MATTE on a few occasions and was pleased with the result. You might want to try it, too.
Thankyou so much Inn for this wonderful tutorial..I've made one using your earlier shadow box tutorial and it really came out very wll. Will try this one too.
thanks again.
Thankyou so much for this wonderful tutorial. I tried it for my 30 by 45 cm picture. Accordingly i added 10.5 cm on each side it means 40.5 by55.5 cm. I almost reached upto folding and came to know my picture doesn't fits into this. Can u please guide me for this? Where is my fault? awaiting for ur reply.
You need to add 10.5cm to EACH side - it means - 10.5+30+10.5=51cm, and 10.5+45+10.5=66cm. So you need 51x66cm sheet of cardstock.
Awesome 👌
love this tutorial only wish I could get it in inches !!
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