This is another of my big quilling projects, along with the quilled flowers on black velours background. The design is mine, from beginning to end. In this quilling picture I tried to reproduce a few species of Israeli flowers that bloom in February through April. Here they are, left to right:
- yellow Lupin(e),
- red Poppy,
- white Iris,
- purple Maltese Cross Ricotia (Egyptian honesty),
- white Chamomile,
- yellow Dandelion,
- pink Cyclamen,
- dark purple Cloven-Petalled Campion.
Besides the flowers, there's also a quilled Gonepteryx butterfly (also known as brimestone) and a ladybug. For this project I mostly used 1/16"-wide strips (1.5mm); but for the ladybug, foliage, and lupin flowers popular 1/8"-wide (3mm) strips were used. I cut-out the leaves of the chamomile using small scissors. Size of the finished artwork: 9x9 inches (23x23cm). Sorry, no close-up photos this time :(
Инна, вы как всегда на высоте!
Очень красиво!!!
Женя, Иринушка, спасибо большое!
Thank you, Nena3110!
Потрясающе! Несмотря на приближение Нового Года и на холода в моих краях, смотрю на Вашу работу и попадаю в лето! Очень теплая и красивая работа!
Спасибо большое!
très beau j'admire!!
Thank you, nel!
its fabulous. can see all the effort put in!! great job done!
Thanks, Karuna! You're right, that's a lot of effort :)
Great work, Inna!
Thank you, Priyadarshini!
quelle merveille !!!!
so wonderful !!!!
Inna, I wish you a happy new year and many visits, big boussas L'As
absolutely stunning!
L'A, Cathy! Thank you and wish you a Happy new year!
Inna, you have such great creations, which I am following every day. You are doing a good job. Quilling is a hobby for me in my free time, but you're works are still surprise me every time I see them.
And I wish you a happy new year full of accomplishments.
Thank you, Dana.
ооо, какая красота! очень понравилось! спасибо :)
Спасибо, Саша!
Inna, this is awesome... its looking fantastic.. what an amazing collection of flowers quilled and put together. Really ... Hats off!
Thank you Archana! You are so kind!
wow Inna! they look so creative! i am planning to make it for our arts lesson....tnx 4 sharing...=)
How lovely. Looking forward to seeing you at Creative Jewish Mom next week.
Thanks! I'd like to join, but am too busy right now :( unfortunately
wow, this must be one of the most beautiful quilled works that I have seen!!
Thank you very much, Juhi!
awesome ... flowers and leaves look real
this is beautiful,can u tel me how u make the flowers stand separately?Thanks
Thanks, kavitha! I glue to the base just the ends of stems and the edges of petals. Hope this answers your question.
How do you make the petals of the white daisy point down like that? I really want to know :D Thanks
First, make the petals (quilled "eyes") and fringed center. Then put the flower center upside down into a bottle cap (alternatively, make a kind of funnel out of paper). Then glue the petals together and to the center at an angle, placing them so that one end of each petal points down to the flower center, while the other points up and out (when looking at the reverse side of the flower). When the glue is dry, take the flower out and turn it over. That's it, hope the instructions are clear enough.
Thank you a lot, Inna. I'll try to follow your instruction. I think i got it :D
I am amazed by your talent. I had seen a qulling picture of a Jewish star in a craft book but did not buy it. I would like to dupli
cate it but cannot find it anywhere.
Can anyone help?
Thank you,
Hi Leah,
Sorry for the late response. Unfortunately, I have no idea what book you are referring to.
Happy Hanukkah!
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