I think these Hanukiot (Hanukkah Menorah's) are my last Hanukkah crafts for this year. I'll be giving them to friends and family, hope they'll like my miniature handmade gifts.

I created tiny Hanukiot in a variety of colors and designs, often combining quilling paper strips of two different tints in one piece. Height of the Hanukiah with candles is only about 2 inches (5cm), the rest are between 1 1/8 and 1 1/4 inch heigh (28 to 32 mm).
Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah, and be sure to see this gorgeous quilled Chanukkiah by Sonya Appel!
Инна, очень необычно и красиво! ты, как всегда, оригинально и аккуратно делаешь :)
Инна, очень красиво, трудно поверить, что такую мелкую работу можно сделать ручками!!
Ты - чемпион по терпению!!
So nicely quilled and such a nice design. I must make one for each of my nephews when they get a little older.
Inna these are sooooo elegant and I'm sure those who recieve them will be delighted to display them!
Какое все маленькое!!!! Класс!!! Ювелирная работа!!!
These are adorable!
Oh these are cute. I have a jewish friend that I think I might just have to make one of these for. Could you send me some instructions?
Very nice !!!Sweet.
so pretty.
1 kiss
Инночка с наступающим праздником! Это просто маленькое чудо! Так они хороши! Как всегда - красота, фантазия и безупречный вкус! Браво!
Ювелирных дел мастер, потрясающе!
Thanks everybody! Your comments are so encouraging!
Cathy, unfortunately, I can't send you instructions for these right now. Click on the pictures to zoom in and try to figure out what elements they are made of. There's nothing complex about them, just bell-shapes, teardrops, etc.
Спасибо всем большое! Ваши комментарии вдохновляют на подвиги :)
It's beautiful! I will try to make one for next year.
"C'est très beau et si petit, félicitation, boussas L'As
Thank you both very much!
It's so beautiful!! :-) Can you please tell me how you made the candle?
Thanks for the compliment :)
Make a trapezium with two right angles like this, but about twice as high (I'm talking about the ratio, not the actual size). You don't need the part at the left side, beyond the dashed line. Roll it starting from the longest parallel side, that is from b to a in the diagram. Hope this helps.
I need to know how to make the candles
Read the comment above yours. Quilled "eye" for the flame.
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