November 8, 2010

Paper Sculpture - 3D Quilled Nuphar Flowers

Nuphar paper sculpture

Nuphar lutea or Yellow water-lily is a genus of aquatic plants. It grows in ponds and slow-moving rivers, native to Eurasia and North America, but can be also found here in Israel. Nuphar blooms in spring and early summer.

As usual, I started making Nuphars with a thorough study of the flower structure. It differs from the common water lily in that its petals are much smaller than its sepals, so that the petals can be hardly seen. Yes, those bright yellow petals aren't actually... well, petals. To make the Nuphar flowers I employed various techniques of three-dimensional quilling, using 1/16"-wide (1.5mm) yellow paper strips for both sepals and petals, but the petals are so small that you can't see them in the photos, unfortunately. As the fruit maturation of Nuphar also differs from that of other water lilies in that it's held above water level, I made a fruit, too. I constructed it out of three-dimensional elements, using green 1/8"-wide (3mm) strips for the fruit itself and 1/16"-wide (1.5mm) strips for the sepals that surround it. The leaves of Nuphar have the shape of an elongated heart. I created them with the husking technique out of green 1/8"-wide strips (3mm), such strips were used also for the bud. To make the stems I wrapped green paper around pieces of thick wire.

Quilled water lily flowers Quilled Nuphar fruit

For the base of the sculpture I created a small water pond, which is made up of three layers of corrugated cardboard glued together and covered with layers of colored paper (tints of blue and green). I came across this technique at Crafterall Handmade Works and liked it very much. When the base was ready, I made holes in it where needed, to thrust the stems of flowers and leaves.

Quilled yellow water lily (with hand)

You have probably noticed already that I try to add an insect to each of my "flower" designs. This time it's a blue dragonfly, its body made of 1/8"-wide strips (3mm), while wings and eyes — of 1/16"-wide strips (1.5mm).

Quilled dragonfly

The base measures 11 1/2 inches x 8 1/4 inches (29.5x 21cm), the diameter of a flower is about 1 1/2 inches (~4cm).


Nandita SS said...

Hi Inna,
I have been a silent follower of you blog for quite sometime now. I would like to say that you are my guru where quilling is concerned. I never thought I could create something from my wooden fingers. The nuphar is just beautiful. Thank You :)

Baukje said...

Hallo Inna

SUGANTHI said...

So delicate and beautiful!. I love the way the yellow petals are shaped using tight coils and also all the tiny details inside the flower. The dragon fly made with such beautiful colours .And how neat your work is!

Ольгусёнок said...

Невероятная красота!!!! Инна, это так красиво!!!

Anonymous said...'s great that you study the flower structure so well that the flowers look like the replicas great n awesome work.

Lana said...

that is so very perfect!

Armand said...

Brilliant. I had thought of doing a lily of some sort, but had yet to really commit to anything serious, that was until just now. Wonderful job. Thank you!


docneha said...

this is sooooooo cool.. u have once again done an outstanding job.. bravo..

Лариса Литвиненко said...

Инночка, как всегда превосходно! Нежно, воздушно.....!Очень-очень красиво!

Karuna said... all your other creations. whats enjoyable is the research that you do before getting into the very intricacy of all the designs!!

Unknown said...

Oh. Wow. This is wonderful, and I can just imagine that it must have taken a hell of a lot of time!!!! :O :O But the end result is great, you must be really satisfied with yourself :)


The Creative Muslimah

Dev said...

I always love your quilling works ... and this is really marvelous ...

Татьяна said...

Великолепно, изящно, стильно!

Vanishri said...

Wow, Here for the first time. This is a beautiful blog. Will visit often.

Solehah Muhammad said...

omg! so cool! love the blue dragonfly!

Charlotte said...

Inna, your work is amazing! Simply beautiful!

a paper {life} said...

Ina...your creations have amazing detail and creativity.

I am in awe

Nagela said...

Nice work. You're always innovating in their creations. These sheets are fantastic!

Nikita A said...

These are so beautiful!!!!! I loved them!! :) Great work...

Nati said...

wonderful, thank you for sharing the beauty of his art!

Bronwyn said...

Wonderful flower and leaves and the whole creation

Завитушка said...

Очень, очень, очень красиво. Я, восхищена!!!

M. B. Karger said...

What a beautiful piece! I'm so touched that my work helped inspire a bit of this gorgeous art. Ann Martin from All Things Paper directed me here, and I am so glad she did. You do marvelous work! Thanks, too, for the shout out to my blog!

- Marnie @ Crafterall

anandhirajan said...

hi, I am a follower of your blog. Your creations are marvellous.Congradutaltions

Pastila said...

Боже, как красиво и натурально! Инна, вы просто кудесница!

Sonya said...

Beautiful comosition, it draws the eye and doesn't let you go!! Love the movement and colors!!!

WhiteRacoon said...

Очень здорово! Особенно понравились зеленый цветок с тычинками и стрекозка. Стрекозка очень изящная, прям ювелирная. И листья не могу не отметить, несмотря на то, что они довольно большие - они такие ровные и воздушные, что даже завидно =)))

lagoon said...

Я не перестаю удивляться вашему мастерству!

BIKY said...

this is wonderful !!

Anita Kumar said...

Love your work ,its so innovative ! Your blog on quilling is fantastic and inspiring !

Квасова Ольга (Ольга К) said...

У меня нет слов! Это очень красиво и натурально!!!

amrita said...

exquisite quilling!

Unknown said...

Инна, вот я как посомтрю Ваш блог и еще час думаю, а как написать слова восхищения Вашим талантом, что бы точно передать свои чувства?
Конечно, Вы волшебница!

Rachel Willow'z Design said...

Amazing work!!!!

Inna D. said...

Thanks everybody very much! I always read and appreciate your comments, even if don't have enough time to respond immediately :)

Огромное спасибо всем за комментарии! Я их всегда читаю и ценю, даже если не всегда могу сразу ответить :)

wee chong said...

I just love your 3D projects!!!!!!!!!!! Awesome!!!!!!!!!

Inna D. said...

Thank you!

SandyW said...

I LOVE the lillies.....very unique. Thanks for showing us something new with quilling.

Inna D. said...

Thank you very much, Sandra!

Unknown said...

very beautiful works....keep it up

Inna D. said...

Thank you, Sindhu!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Inna! Your work is recognizable, you really have a style of your own! Great!

Inna D. said...

Thank you very much, Suzana!

Mihaela said...

very beautiful!

Inna D. said...

Thanks, Mihaela!

Anonymous said...

do you have available the directions on how to make the nuphar flowers and other parts of this project? they would be very much apprectiated!

Inna D. said...

I'm sorry, but I can't write a step-by-step guide for everything I make. Besides, this one is a unique and original creation and I won't like it to be replicated. You can look up the techniques mentioned in the article, like the alternate side looping, three-dimensional quilling and fringed flowers, to create something similar. I wrote tutorials on some of them here on my blog.

Paper Lace and Card Nook said...

Beautiful work Inna you are a wonderful artist.
love Carolyn

Inna D. said...

Thank you, Carolyn!

Uma said...

Hi Inna,
it is just 'picture perfiect'. Truly amazing and awe inspiring.

Inna D. said...

Thank you, Uma!