If you haven't watched the anime film My Neighbor Totoro, I highly recommend it. This is one of my kids' favorites, so I made a tiny Totoro toy with paper quilling.

Once again I employed the fringed flower technique in combination with three-dimensional quilling. To make Totoro fluffy like this, the fringe had to be very dense, so cutting it took considerable time. For this small project I used light-gray and pale-peach copy paper (80gsm). Size of the finished miniature is about 1 inch (2.5 cm).
Прикольный !!
Какой крошка-лапочка! И такой серьезный, прям настоящий Тоторо! Еще зонтик ему надо скрутить, для достоверности =)
Отличный персонаж, прекрасная бахрома!
OMG!!!! I couldn´t believe when I saw it!!! It´s amazing Inna!!!! You are so creative and so talented!!!
Have a marvellous weekend.
Oh goodness, he is cute! And so much fringing - well done.
So adorable!
I watched the film many times and it looks like real!!! You are so talent to combine fringe in making miniature. So cute!
Clare / Hong Kong
awesome!It looks like real fur.The facial expression so perfect. You never fail to delight us with your work.
He's sooooooo cute!!! And you worked so much on it, you can surely see that! I love the way you work! And better than that, I love your ideas :) You inspire me so much. Thank you!
Wow, that is CLEVER! Love how you have combined fringing with 3D - great idea!
Страхотен е! Поздрави!
I love the anime and your Totoro is absolutely awesome! A really great and inspiring work! :)
Такой славный пушистик:)))!
Очень хорошенький у вас пушистик получился! Инна, меня волнует вопрос: какова дальнейшая судьба Ваших бумажных малышек?
very cute!!!
Thank you all very much! I very appreciate your comments.
Девочки, спасибо всем огромное, рада, что пушистик понравился :)
@Саша - обычно я делаю квиллинг в подарок, очень малая часть остается дома. Миниатюры я храню в прозрачной пластиковой коробочке, чтоб можно было любоваться и в то же время чтоб не пылились. Некоторые из поделок становятся игрушками детей, как этот Тоторо, например :)
I'm not familiar with the character but your "Totoro" is adorable! He looks like a tiny stuffed animal . . .I think I want one!
Инна, спасибо за ответ.:)Еще хочу отметить, что ваш пушистик кажется живым и с характером, т.е. смотрю на него и кажется будто он сейчас что - нибудь да "выкинет" такое!
Оживлять бумагу - это волшебство и Мастерство!!! Желаю Вам неисчерпаемого творческого вдохновения!!!
It is so cute.. You have a great blog here and the highlight is ur photography.. Ur photos add that little something to ur blog.. i would like to know abt ur camera.. wat camera do u use?
Inna, this is adorable! And so funny at the same time, a friend just asked me to make a totoro card for her. It will have to be 2D though, so I can't do this! Just wondering, what did you use for the base? As in, how did you make the totoro that shape?
Какая прелесть! Ваш объемный квиллинг просто чудо! Совсем недавно смотрела аниме с этим персонажем. Очень похож. Как живой. Только ваш совсем кроха!!!
Hello Inna, I just added a post on my blog in which I wrote something about you and your work...Here's the link: http://happyquilling.blogspot.com/2011/02/toothpick-era.html
I hope you don't mind. If so, please tell me! Thanks a lot! Diana
Could we hope to have a master-class on this beauty? It`s so touching. I would be happy to be able to do it myself after your comments. I hope you will be able to make them one day.
Thank you for your unrivalled ideas and their wonderful embodiment.
Inna, how adorable - love how you keep pushing the envelope in orginality!
He is so adorable! I will certainly look for the movie, thanks!
So cute ♪
I'm a new follower of your blog abounding in beautiful creations. I love them all & have recently begun quilling myself. Do stop by my blog I love to know your opinion.
This is a visual treat, really good work. Way to go Inna.
Thanks everybody for your kind comments!
Thank you! I’ve been using digital SLR and point-and-shoot cameras of various models and manufacturers. Lighting is what makes the difference for me, the equipment is less important.
What you see is actually the base :) To create the body I made two fringed flowers, shaped them into half-spheres by pressing in the centers, and glued them together bottom-to-bottom. For the head I made a fringed flower, too. Then shaped a half-sphere out of it as well, and pressed it at two opposite sides so that it has an elliptical base (initially it is round). The elliptical base goes onto the body. Hope you can figure out the rest :)
Unfortunately, I cannot write a tutorial on this. Please read the comment above, I hope it will help you understand how to make the toy.
It's very cute and nice to have this kind of toys.. Keep up the good work! Hope you can have another one and more toys for children.
Sencillamente brillante! A Masterpiece!!!
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