I was writing this post when the news came about the tragedy in Japan. Like many other's, my thoughts, heart and prayers are with the people of Japan. For those looking for ways to donate to support the disaster relief efforts, here are a few links:
- Japanese Red Cross (via Google)
- American Red Cross
- British Red Cross
About five months ago I was asked to create a large-size quilling picture featuring the Japanese flowering cherry — Sakura, and birds. I was able to find and buy a deep frame measuring 19 5/8 x 19 5/8 inch (50x50cm). This is my first work in such a large format. Before starting to work on actual quilling, I looked at tons of books and Web resources on Japanese art in search of inspiration. As this was a custom-tailored work for a client, I sent her a variety of sketches to choose from. She liked this one, but asked for red birds.

After agreeing on a sketch, I could start quilling. First, I made a plenty of flowers with eccentric coils for the petals, using narrow pink strips, only 1/16"-wide (1.5mm).

The flower centers were made of tiny fringed flowers with a pink base and yellow fringe. In the photo below, the grid lines are at the distance of 1cm apart.

Then I shaped the eccentric coils into "teardrops" and attached five petals to each flower center I have made. To add dimension to the flowers, I glued the petals at an angle. In order to do so, I used a circles template to hold the flowers until the glue has dried completely. You may put something underneath the template to place it even higher, to achieve the angle you want.

Next, I outlined the tree branches on a square sheet of thick light-blue paper, and placed the flowers to see if I had enough of them. Then I made some half-open flowers out of three pink petals each, and also closed buds. The latter were created with three-dimensional quilling using pink and brown strips. For this quilling project I used the total of 44 completely open flowers, 14 half-open flowers and 8 closed buds, which means I had to make 262 eccentric coils :) I also made light-green leaves out of 1/16"-wide (1.5mm) paper strips.

To make the birds, I first drew them on a separate sheet of paper. Then I put the sketch onto a cork board covered with plastic wrap for assembling. For the birds I used 1/8"-wide (3mm) paper strips in different tints of red.

When the birds were ready, I started mounting them onto the picture. First, I glued onto the background the sitting bird on the far right. Then I began creating branches of the cherry tree by rolling "tendrils" around a long needle tool. For these I used 1/16"-wide strips (1.5mm) in tints of brown.

When the branches were finished, I mounted all the buds, leaves, flowers, and the remaining two birds. The right-hand side of the picture looked too empty to me, so I decided to add also a bumble-bee.

For this picture I used both home-cut and precut quilling strips. My husband helped me cut the matting. It has a beveled edge (at 45 degrees) which I dyed with golden acrylic paint.

This is an absolute beauty.. I still have not been able to work out the eccentric coils.. They turn up to be something of a mess for em but yours are beautiful.. absolutely fab work.. love the flowers.. gorgeous..!!
262 - вау =)
Классно! Особенно нравятся веточки, изгиб очень натуральный и витушки клевые =) Объемный хвостик у птички классный - очень живо. И полосатый мух тоже весьма живописен.
Hi Inna
what did you do that well done great!
Greetings Baukje
WOW Fantastic job, love it. Love how you did the branches, so smooth!
Инночка, красиво, нет слов!!!!!!!!!!!! Можно рассматривать каждую детальку до бесконечности!!!!!!!!!! Спасибо за КРАСОТУ!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is stunning. I like how the tree branches look almost braided. Way cool.
OMG! Breath taking beauty!
Инна, у тебя волшебные ручки, как иначе можно делать такую нежную, необыкновенную красоту!
Восхитительно!!! Веточка как живая получилась! Цветочки легкие и воздушные! А птички... нет слов!!! Супер! Спасибо за МК. Собирать цветочек в линейке замечательная идея и очень полезная!!!
ура! такая долгожданная новая работа! красота.... очень понравились цветы и ветки.
Wow! This in great!
Congratulation for everything you do!
Вот это да! Потрясающая работа! Веточки - загляденье!
Я бы фон какой-то добавила для большей реалистичности.
This is really beautiful work. Congratulations!
That is so beautiful and intricate. I'm yet to do a large piece but you have inspired me :)
Yay im goin to try this:-)
Great idea and great tutorial thanks inna for sharing
Brilliant Inna! I love every detail of this work of yours . The idea for the branches is really good:))
Awesome. Thanks for showing how to make the pink flowers.
Hi Inna,
All I can say about your work is, It's Beautiful!!! Lovely :)
Инна, оч тонко!!!! веточки, цветочки, пчелка - все оч нежно и изящно.
Hi Inna
your work is so beautiful that actually i am at loss for words,the detailing and the amount of work involved is lovely ,totally love it.
Jus a few days back, while i was browsing the blogosphere i was wondering abt where have u been? no posts lately!! and here u come back with a bang.. so beautiful and it looks so pleasant.. i am looking forward to make a big frame work myself..
Incredible work. Congratulations!
Another fantastic creation from ur crafty Hand.Very nice work...
This is amazing!!!!!
Инна, привет!
Ну до чего же изящная работа!
WOW! You are truly talented. Such a detailed , creation. Fabulous!!!
Wonderful, loved it ... love the birds and flowers
Nati(from Brazil)
Очень, очень, очень красиво!!! Птички бесподобны!!!
Amazing work of art!
Absolutely beautiful - your work is always inspiring.
what a perfection! what a beauty! am a big fan of urs.. i had to make a flower for my son's class teacher.. so visited ur website.. and got ideas too.. keep up ur great work!!
this was awesome inna
Oh... so many details, so much work, and so much beauty. And a tutorial too... You are so generous to share all the little secrets with us. I also did a Cherry Blossom work - a card, but I am definitely a beginner in comparation with you :)
Ina, your quilling creations are just breath taking! I found your blog today and am totally glued to your posts - papier mache, recycling and so many more. I just subscribed to your blog.
I invite you to check out mine...
Cheers :)
Wow!! It is a master piece. Only you can creat such perfect Quillings. It is breath taking. Love every inch of it☺
Мои дорогие читатели, большое спасибо вам за ваши теплые комментарии, я очень ценю ваше внимание! К сожалению, в последнее время я очень занята и делаю очень мало работ, спасибо, что вы продолжаете следить за моим блогом и не покидаете меня :)
Dear readers! Thank you very much for your comments, I really appreciate your kindness! Unfortunately, I’ve been very busy lately and created very few new works. Thanks for keeping following my blog and not abandoning me:)
Inna you put so much hardwork and love in all you do. Am sure your client was excited with this piece. In fact i too liked the red birds! its a fabulous piece :)
Thank you very much, Karuna!
SO much in LOVE with it!
wow ! Gorgeous and FABULOUS .
the pink flowers are cute .
thanks for sharing the tutorial with us.
✿ n0ra ✿, angelin, thanks a lot!
Fabulous! You are truly the GURU of quilling!!
Инна, работа замечательная, нежная.Спасибо за МК. Очень интересно Вы делаете серединки. Возьму на заметку. Я восхищаюсь Вашими работами!
GreenEarth, thank you very much!
Светлана, спасибо огромное!
Hi Inna!
I loved their work, are very creative and very original.
Visit my blog.
Greetings from Brazil.
Инна! Какая чудесная работа! Спасибо большое за то, что Вы делитесь своими идеями и секретами мастерства. Веточки - это замечательная находка!
Таня, спасибо большое!
Thanks, Roberto!
Nice work. I just make myself a follower of your blog. Congratulations on your creations. I've loved the birds in red.
María Jesús
Precioso trabajo. Acabo de hacerme seguidora de tu blog. Felicidades por tus creaciones. Me han encantado los pajaros en color rojo.
María Jesús
Hello Inna,
how are you?
I come to say hello and tell you that I had just opened a new website:
currently there are no quilling but I reassure you, there will, I can not abandon this technique so wonderful!
Besides, I think this Japanese tree is a marvel, bravo!
I kiss you and goodbye
@María Jesús
Thank you very much! I love your quilling.
@L"As Creations
Thanks a lot! Your new website is very beautiful.
I absolutely love ur work & you inspire me so I feel u deserve this award.Please click on this link to receive it.
Love & Hugs
Hi inna!
I like very much your creations .
Wow this is just beautiful. Love it. TFS.
Melissa D
This is absolutely beautiful. The bumblebee is a nice added touch.
wow,,it's beautiful. the flower look alive.
Its lovely.. too gud.. can you pls explain how did u do the branches and birds..
This is fabulous! I am speechless! SO glad to see your work:)
Thanks everyone very much!
I've explained it briefly in the post.
I love this!!! So beautiful!
This is so beautiful! I am very inspired! Blessings to you!
Thank you, Darcy!
Wow, this is gorgeous!
This is beautiful, and I am inspired to make a Cherry blossom. will put it up soon on my blog.
could not take my eyes off it!stunning
This was so helpful with our project! Thank you so much! I linked this page on my blog so everyone can know about your site!
awesome work.
Absolutely wonderful piece of art.I have been following your website and this one just amazed me.I am just a beginner.I made frames learnt from your tutorial so sweet of you to teach all these tutorials thanks so much.
Your work is very neat and perfectly flawless. Truely amazing. I Love your work and am inspired by it.
Your work is very neat and perfectly flawless. Truely amazing. I Love your work and am inspired by it.
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