This quilling picture was a present for my mom's birthday a few months back. I had been planning to create a picture that would feature lilac flowers for a long time, and even started making a stock of them — you need a lot for a project like this. Eventually I had a chance to complete this project. I love lilacs very much, they are so beautiful, and the scent is lovely. Unfortunately, lilacs don't grow in Israel.

Lilac flowers usually have four petals each (called a four-lobed corolla) and make up panicles. For this picture I built each flower out of four "teardrop" elements, made of paper strips about 6" (15 cm) long and 1/16" (1.5-2 mm) wide. The flowers were mounted on translucent RTV silicone to make the panicles look dimensional. For each of the light-colored panicles I used two close tints of lilac, while for each of the dark-colored ones — three tints. In total, I had quilling papers of seven tints of lilac at my disposal. The leaves are heart-shaped, they consist of "eyes" and "crescents" (or "half moons"), made of paper strips approximately 12" long (30 cm) and 1/16" wide (1.5 mm), in three tints of green. I would like to thank my friend Yulia who sent me lilac and green quilling strips as a gift.

Among the insects who feed on lilac's nectar are Swallowtail (Papilio machaon) butterflies. They are so bright and beautiful, that it was this species I decided to make for my quilling picture. For the wings of the butterfly I used narrow 1/16"-wide strips (1.5 mm), for the body — regular 1/8"-wide strips (3 mm). When I need narrow strips for my work, I usually cut the popular 1/8"-wide (3 mm) strips lengthwise with scissors. For the background I used watercolor paper slightly tinted using dry pastels. Finished work is framed in a deep white frame 9 by 9 inches (23x23 cm).
This is very nice, Inna. I like a lot the leaves, looks great
Wow ! Lovely! . Love the butterfly.
Stunning work of art!!
love your work.. Very beautiful
Инна, ты не перестаешь удивлять и заставляешь восхищаться всех, кто заходит в твой замечательный блог! Браво!
this is absolutely stunning so much hard work and detailing too ,just love it.
Това е изумително! Колко време ти отне? Люлякът и пеперудата са прекрасни!!! Поздрави
Умопомрачительно! Я просто дар речи потеряла... сама делала сирень, знаю как это трудоемко. Но результат поразительный!!! А бабочка просто живая. Спасибо за такую красоту
Gorgeous, you can tell you put alot of work into it, the butterfly looks so real!!!!
Wow !!!!!!!stunning .fabulous quilling.
Много истинско!КРАСИВО!
What a lovely gift! It is beautiful. Your workmanship is excellent
Lovely quilling, Inna. The many shades of lilac bring such nice dimension to the flowers, and the leaves and butterfly are stunning.
Oh my gosh, there are SO many flowers! I don't think I could have finished a project like this in a million years. It turned out astonishing. I'm sure your mother will treasure it!
Много истинско ,КРАСИВО!Браво!
It does not grow there because Ur creations are lovelier than natures creation. So beautiful and perfect:)
Thanks everyone very much for your kind comments!
Amazing work!
Words fail me, Inna - this is fabulous! I have often thought about quilling a swallowtail myself, but I could never do it as well as you have. Wonderful work.
Много е красиво! Поздравления!
ШЕДЕВР! Я сначало решила, что это вышивка! Вот это мастрерство)
Какая же красотища! Невозможно глаз оторвать! Сирень и бабочка как настоящие... Инна, как же ты виртуозно полосочки скручиваешь. Вот это мастерство...
Ох как чудесно!
Very , very beautiful !!!
Very nice. Especially the leaves.
So so so very beautiful...it looks like a painting !
Superb , so inspiring !
It is such beautiful work as yours that inspires me to quill. I can't begin to do it with such artistry. Just looking at work of this level is a tutorial.
very good work!!! thanks for the inspirations ;)
Сногсшибательно!!! Ты воплотила мою мечту! =) Я свою сирень так и не соберусь никак доделать...
Просто супер! Все такие ровненькие, такие нежные, прям пахнут!!! И вот смотрю, даже на темных кистях акценты цветовые есть - очень естественно выглядят.
Бабочка вообще выше всяких похвал, очень точная и очень детальная!
Ты большая, большая молодец!!! Супер!
Wow! This is beautiful!!! lilacs are one of my favorites too, you mom must have been thrilled!!!!
Wow!!!!!loved the colors, gorgeous creation!
Incredible and beautiful
Dear friends! Thank you very much for your kind comments!
Девочки, спасибо большое за теплые слова! Мне очень приятно!
Алёна, спасибо большое, я свою тоже очень долго делала, ок. 7 месяцев, так что может ты свою еще соберешь :)
Dear Inna,
Ever since I stumbled on your blog I've been fascinated by your artwork. I was absolutely new to quilling. Thanks to your detailed instructions and with the help of some beginner books from my library and youtube, I started quilling and completed a couple projects. Thank you sooo much for your tutorials - I looooove your double fringed flowers. As my next project, I might try one of the butterflies you did. I'm a big fan of your work, like several other people. Please do keep posting your projects and inspiring other crafters & artists. Thanks so much!
Thank you very much, Vidya!
amazing work keep inspiring
Dear Inna,
I'm so inspired looking at your creative artwork! For that, I really thank you, and now, I'm inspired to start quilling by myself. I've bought the tools needed, and I cant wait to start quilling, be creative as much as you are. Thank you so much dear! Hopefully, I can quill as much as I can, to fill up my free time. May God bless you! (^_^)
You're such an inspiration!
beautiful :)
Thank you very much!
@Nad Izza,
thank you for your kind comment!
Инночка - невозможно отвести глаз! Знаешь, я детство вспомнила - у нас точно такая же сирень была!!! А ведь это не картина! Ну как тебе удается из бумаги сделать и передать всю эту красоту, нежность и воздушность - уму не постижимо!!!
Лизочка, спасибо большое!!!
Инна, года два не была у Вас. С тех пор, как случилась история с плагиатом Ваших работ. Если помните, книгу кто-то издал? И тогда Вы закрыли русско язычный сайт свой.
Хотя, мой квиллинг начинался именно там, училась у Вас.
И вот теперь снова нашла, где Вы обитаете. И просто поражена! Если тогда Ваши работы восхищали, то теперь у меня просто слов нет! Предел совершенства! Хотя, и казалось тогда, что лучше невозможно)))
You amaze us with your work every single time. I wait for your latest greatest creation like waiting for the next episode of a TV show!
I am truly in awe of your intricate work and beautiful colors you use. Thanks for all your tutorials, it helps beginners a lot and inspires us.
The butterfly is a MASTERPIECE!! You will soon be called the Picasso of Quilling!
Hello Inna, thanks very much for sharing this project. Its beautiful. The varieties of lilac colours blend so well together and the leaves are a feature on their own. It is interesting and helpful to read how you made it; the widths and lengths of papers, the size of the frame etc.
спасибо большое за комплимент! Рада, что вы снова нашли меня :)
@GreenEarth, Christine,
thank you very much for your kind comments!
I love everything about this beautiful picture, Lilacs are my favorite flowers, and they just don't last long enough in nature. By the way the butterfly looks so real.
Thank you, Teddie!
It's amazing work:)
Thank you, Nadret!
I know you can a lot but this is great again!
Greetings Baukje
Инночка, восхитительно!!!!! Сирень даже пахнет, а бабочка - великолепная!!!!!!!! Спасибо за красоту!!!
Thank you, Baukje!
Лариса, спасибо огромное!
Привет, Инна. Как всегда, твои работы на высоте! Разглядываю все уже часа два.
Потрясающие листья, очень, очень все красиво!!!!
Оксана, спасибо большое! Очень рада тебя видеть!
dear inna , your works are really eye catching i was inspired by your works and started quilling as a leisure time hobby now i am addicted to it and also get some good comments too, and now with happines and proudness i too sell some of my work u inspired me a lot thank you , and at the same time maybe some others might be also really getting lots of advantages from your teachings i just dont have the words how happy i am please do carry on with your work may the all mighty help you with each and everything bless you,shawmi
hello inna, i really luv yr work so much,, u r the inspiration for the quilling lovers and beginers. i wanted to do start quilling. but i dont have quilling papers and dont get such papers over here. Can u please let me know some other options in this. can any one pls help me out in this.
Thanks and regards
Thank you for the kind words, Shawmi! Do you have a blog or website?
I'm sure you will find answers to most of your questions in the "Do-It-Yourself Quilling" section on the "Paper Quilling" page.
I visited your blog from a long time. Your blog and your projects was one of the reasons I wanted to try to work with quilling method. That was about by a year and a half ago. Thank you for all you give me.
ileana-carmen, thank you for your kind comment!
hi Inna!i love your blog,you are an inspiration for all the quillers out there.i love the Lilac flower project...it's so similar to reality,u did a marvelous job with it...i have a few trees in my garden and ur quilling looks the same..i will try to do it myself...your attention to detail and research is amazing...keep up the good work...all the best!
Thank you, Andrea!
This is fab!!! :) Absolute gorgeousness...
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