When a colleague of my husband saw my blog, he asked if I could create miniature sheep figures for him. It turned out that he's an Agricola game fan. For this board game you need sheep among other things. Besides the game itself, its fans value handmade pieces for it. The animals have to be tiny, approximately 3/8" x 3/8" (1 x 1 cm) in size. Most of the Agricola animals found on the Web are made of polymer clay (FIMO, for instance).

I created a prototype sheep with three-dimensional quilling and, after it was shown to the colleague, was requested to make twelve more. For the game you need 20 sheep, but usually not all of them are in use at the same time, so 12 would suffice. I must admit that making such a small figures is very tricky, so it was decided that 5/8" x 5/8" (1.5 x 1.5 cm) would be good enough. He also wanted each sheep to have an individuality, its unique look and expression. Choice of colors was up to me.
A single sheep takes more than an hour to make. And as each one had to be unique I couldn't prepare stock parts to assemble them later, so each sheep was made independently. I used home-cut paper strips 1/8" and 1/16" in width (3 mm and 1.5 mm). The sheep are coated with Grumbacher spray picture and oil painting varnish (matte), which I used also on some other occasions.

Well, here are the sheep I came up with. Not sure about the customer, but I was very pleased with them. If you are an Agricola fan, and you liked my quilled sheep — drop me a line :)
I loved all!
So cute!
Wowwww.....such a lovely quilled sheeps. I just loved it. Sure...the recipient will be so happy.
wow these are amazing Inna the sheep look so cute and the time spent making them is totally worth it...i loved them!!
How adorable !!!!
wow...so cute and beautiful...love it Inna !
po prostu genialne !!!
Потрясающая красота!!!!!!!!!
Инна, а Вы мастер классы не проводите?
Какие прелестные овечки. Крошечные, но с характером. Милашки:-)
There so adorable, I'm sure he will love them!, love the box there in!!
I love your sheep. They are SO adorable!! And to work on such a small scale takes great skill. Turned out fabulous!
They are so cute and small!
My Goodness, they make me want to come and kiss them! :-)
Инночка, такие классные овечки-миниатюрки!!!!!!!!!!!
So small and so cute!!
Wow! Amazing work. Thanks for sharing Inna.
Какая прелесть! =) Соединение двух моих любимостей: миниатюр и квиллинга. Овечки просто очаровательны, так и хочется их потискать =)
Инна, ты просто супер-мастер!!! =)
wonderful I love it!
Greetings Baukje
Very Cute.....
They are super cute! Great skills and work.
OMG..:)...these all so cute and adorable....amazing 3D quilled....great work
They are really cute ... awesome work again ...
Adorble! You're an amazing quiller.
They are fantastic - such beautiful little characters!
Инна, Ваши работы это что-то особенное. Каждый раз поражаюсь и уже не первый год. Спасибо за вашу фантазию и мастерство!
pretty sheep!!
I have clue what this game is, but the sheep are adorable..
cutest things ever! <3
aw! so cute. I too should try this.
Какое чудо! Очаровательные миниатюрные барашки получились. Такая тонкая и кропотливая работа!!!
your ideas are always surprising and this new one lead us in that almost forgotten world of childhood,Thank you !!!!
I made a surprise for you so come into my world for just a moment.
Thank you all so much for your kind words!
Спасибо всем огромное за добрые слова!
I love the game Agricola. I need to practice my quilling so I can make those sheep.
They are ADORABLE!! I want one ^^
Hey Inna,
I have recently joined your site through a reference by my friend. I have just started Quilling. I must say, Your work is just awesome. I hope someday I can also quill beautifully that it makes smile anyone who sees it as your quilling does to us.
Thanks for sharing this art and talent.
Thank you very much, Deesha!
They are so cute!
Thanks, Miriel!
So cute!
As the customer :) I must say that I loved your work! thanks a lot!
Thank you very much, Ohad!
Very nice and what did u place below the body part?
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