I got introduced to parchment craft or pergamano through the works and tutorial of lenka_kalinka. It's in Russian, but well worth taking a look, the author also speaks English. I had a small piece of pink parchment, which was used for my first attempt. Tools: a white colored pencil, home-made awl, embossing tools, small scissors. I also used the reverse side of a computer mouse pad to work on.

The pattern is from Embroiderer's Countryside by Helen M Stevens, one of my favorite books ever.
I know, the result is far from perfect, but wanted to share it as is anyway. For those, who decide to give it a try :)
These are really pretty, Inna. I've often thought about giving parchment craft a try, but still haven't done it. You have so many great ideas on your site! Thanks very much for the lovely comments you left on mine.
WOW! This is absolutely fantastic.The design is so delicate.. perfect for Parchment craft. It is beautiful. You are uniquely talented to do it so well in the first time itself.
Ann, Archana, thank you very much for you kind comments!
Actually, it is beautiful! I have been trying to figure out how to do it too, but didn't want to buy a kit. I will try the white colored pencil. I bought parchement, but it doesn't seem to be white enough. I also tried some cooking parchment paper. Maybe with the white pencil it will work better. Thanks for sharing! The pattern is just beautiful!
Thank you!
Just wanted to tell you that the white pencil is used only to trace the pattern. After the project is finished, you need to remove it with a soft eraser. And also pay attention that parchment has a "right" and "wrong" side, try to figure out which one works better.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW.... these designs are so pretty.... I like your first card. thats so simple and cute... I love parhment craft.. but I did not know the correct way to do that... but now with your advises and looking at your creations I know how to do that and I will do taht.... thank you and all the best to do more unique creations....
Thank you, Warsha!
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