Unfortunately, I'm not having much time for blogging these days, although I do have new pieces to show off. In the meanwhile, I'll try to do some cleaning up and writing overview posts, which I feel may help my readers to find what they need. Today's post is about quilled insects.
When I'm looking back at all those quilled designs I have created, I see that many of them feature insects of different kinds: butterflies, dragonflies, bugs, cockroaches, firebugs, ladybugs, moths, ants, grasshoppers, bees, bumblebees and spiders (well, the spiders are not exactly insects). They are simple and complex, were used for greeting cards, wall decorations, etc. I really hope that my quilling may give you the inspiration for designs of your own, so below you'll find the list of my works that include quilled insects:
Easy-to-make quilled insects
- Very simple butterflies, ladybugs, a snail, a spider and a grasshopper on Rosh Hashanah greeting cards.
- Simple quilled bee and butterfly on a Thank you card with iris flowers.
- Cute and easy-to-make cockroach: Quilled owl on a tree branch.
- Simple moth: Dandelions and raspberries.
Moderately difficult quilled insects
- Firebug on Quilled cyclamen flowers.
- Moth and butterfly on Quilled dog-rose.
- Moth, grasshopper, ladybug: Quilled dandelions and violets.
- Moth and ant: Quilled dandelions.
- Spider and dragonfly: Quilled dragonfly and lily flower.
- Another moth: Quilled thistles and moth.
- Bumble bees on flowers.
- Blue dragonfly on nuphar flowers
- Bee and praying mantis
- Kid's quilling - dragonfly
Difficult-to-make insects
- Yelow butterfly Gonepteryx butterfly (brimestone).
- Quilled blue butterfly (Papilio ulysses).
- Quilled Monarch butterfly.
- Quilled moth on a flower in a fishbowl.
- Moth on Quilled flowers.
- Three-dimensional quilled spider.
- Quilled Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
- 3D praying mantis
I wish you a joyous and fruitful quilling!
Inna..your work is always inspirational..whatever i know about quilling is from you only..U are a true mentor..looking forward for more creavtive work by u...
Absolutely fantastic Inna..love the dandelions!
I want to thank you for your comment in Picasa, by my table. Thank you. I am delighted to welcome you because you are light years ahead of me in quilling.
Thanks for this summary... insects appeal to me... love the look of the spider too... yes he is not an insect but still is creepy and crawly!
They are so cute, maybe I,ll try...
Thank you!
Hallo Inna
ik heb een hoop geleerd van jouw creaties ik kijk altijd met een hoop plezier naar jou site!!!
heel veel liefs Baukje
Love that blue 3D spider in the pic. That is wicked awesome!
ой, сколько квиллинга)) и спасибо за хорошие слова))
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Thank you all for the lovely comments! Every single one is really encouraging to me! Thanks!
Inna .. u r such a wonderful artist !!
inna hi i am nikunj the guinness world redcord holder your work is very stunning i wish to talk to you i really like your work heartly
Thank you so much Nikunj, you may contact me at my email address here: About me.
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