Let me introduce to you a new character in my collection of three-dimensional quilled miniatures. This is a princess in a fancy dress. It's hard to call this miniature a masterpiece, but my girls love playing with her, and this is most rewarding to me. The lower part is made up of two layers: the base is a quilled bell (beehive) of 1/8" strips decorated with "eyes" and tight coils; on top of it there's another layer, which consists of wheatear shapes created using 1/16"-wide paper strips. The crown is decorated with tiny rhinestones, as well as the pendant. The book is made of small colored paper sheets, about 3/16 x 3/16 inches each (5 x 5 mm). I decided not to create facial features this time. Height: approx. 3 inches (7.5 cm).
To learn the basics of three-dimensional quilling please download my step-by-step tutorial for making a 3D lion.
Wow.This is amazing!
I love her, especially her super curly hair and crown. Very nice.
This is beyond CUTE!!! I will have to give a try at 3D quilling when my grandaughter gets old enough to not destroy it!! I'm sure your daughters will treasure them because they were made with love by their momma!
She is darling and also a good example for your girls by showing her reading a book! Reading, stories and imagination are so integral to greater understandings! Excellent design!
Great work!!
Очень-очень здорово! Я пока до объемного квиллинга никак не доберусь.
Oh! how lovely!Love her gown!
Обалдеть, какая тонкая работа!
Oh, Inna, she is so pretty! No wonder your girls love to hold her.
Very cute!!
Инна, это действительно шедевр!
Thank you all very, very much for your wonderful comments!
Спасибо всем огромное!
She is very cute... I bet the kids love to play with her... you will have to make a prince to match
Inna!!! I love her hair and she is gorgeous!!!
I need to begin with my 3d again!!! (LOL)
Have a wonderful week!
She is so beautiful! What do your girls call her by name? Great Work
Cathy, Regina, thank you very much!
Thanks, Jequil! She's just "the princess", without a name :)
wow this is amazing.
& thanks for the lovely comments on my blog too :)
Thank you :)
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