I couldn't find a quilling tool in the local stores, so decided to try and build one myself. The version made out of a needle and a pen cap turned out the most successful, it was also pretty easy to make. You will need a mid-size sewing needle with a long eye. First, carefully snip the eye tip off the needle. I clamped the needle in a vice, so that only the tip remains outside, and broke it off with a hammer. You may try doing it using a pair of pliers, but this can be hard because of the sort of steel, used for manufacturing some needles. Finally, thrust the needle into a felt pen cup or a wooden handle.

Jan 18, 2010: I just wanted to clarify some points regarding the do-it-yourself quilling tool. I made mine using a thin, not thick needle. Then, this tool is a replacement for a slotted tool, not a needle tool. When using a needle tool, you don't spin it around as you do with a slotted tool, but instead wrap a paper strip around the tool with your fingers to create a roll. The paper in this case slides freely around the needle. It's important to keep in mind, that this method can be used only with certain sorts of paper (i.e. good quilling paper), and isn't suitable for the copy and construction paper I use for my quilling.
Great! How can I invent a Fringer, they are very expensive?
You don't have to invent a fringer. Scissors work pretty well, unless you do quilling for a living, in which case a professional fringer is worth investing in.
how do i make a curler??
I'm sorry, but I don't understand. What do you mean by "curler"?
thanks for this! I will be trying it as I too can not get my hands on one at any stores!
You're welcome, Jenna! For some kinds of quilling it's even better than ready-made ones.
thank you so much your idea..........it,s so great like a real tool....
i usually made with ear swabs.....
You're welcome, Aruna!
I made my own quilling tool similiar to yours with the snipped needle and I stuck it deep into the eraser on a pencil. Works great!
I'm glad I found your website! I just found out about quilling and I really want to try it, but quilling isn't popular from where I live and your ideas are really helpful. Very brilliant indeed! Thanks!
Thanks Inna this is great! I am really glad I found your website, it has all the information needed!
Ma'am please write about quilling crimper tool. It's impossible to find in my local area
It's here: Homemade crimpers for quilling paper.
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