This year my kids wanted to dress up as bugs for Purim. I bought costume hats at IKEA and made the rest myself.
My older daughter has chosen to be a Ladybug. I sewed two semi-circle fabric wings with 6 black round patches.

Then I sewed the top of the wings onto the back of a black shirt. The finishing touch, she put on black pants and a Ladybug costume hat.

My younger daughter has decided to dress up as a Butterfly long ago, not just any butterfly, but a yellow one. For this costume I used a yellow shirt and pants, and an alien costume hat (I had only to paint the antenna yellow).

I cut out the wings and painted the pattern of the swallowtail butterfly on them. Sewed the top of the wings onto a piece of thick wire, and then onto the back of the yellow shirt.

My son wanted to dress up as a Spider and catch his Ladybug and Butterfly sisters :) This costume is the simplest one: an IKEA costume hat, a black shirt, black pants and a spider web. The spider web was made out of a hula hoop and a white ribbon.
These can be nice and easy-to-make Halloween costumes as well, especially the Spider :) Happy holiday!
See also our old Purim costumes: the Penguin, Princess, Clown, Elephant and Pinocchio.
UPDATE: I've been requested to explain in detail how I made the swallowtail wings. So, here we go.

First, I drew a sketch of one wing only on a large piece of paper (several joined A4/Letter sheets will do). Then I traced this onto a piece of yellow fabric folded in half. The crease goes where the line of symmetry of the wings will be (in the photo it's on the right). I used pins to secure the template in place.

After cutting out the fabric wings, I overlocked the edge, painted the swallowtail pattern, and finally sewed their top on to a V-shaped piece of wire. When sewing the wings to a shirt or sweater, attach them in a few points along the wire. That's it, I think.
These are all adorable, and so clever. My daughter wishes to be a yellow swallowtail -- I was wondering, did you simply use paper to cut out the wings? They look AMAZING - would love any tips you can give. Thank you!!!
Amy, I updated the post with detailed instructions. Hope this helps.
THANK YOU!! I never expected such detail and am so grateful! Have a lovely day - you have made my daughter's Halloween! :)
Oh. At risk of being a pest -- I am handy, but not terribly crafty, so I need to ask what paint would you recommend?
You're welcome, Amy :)
I used acrylic paint, the cheapest I could find. It's a one-time costume, so you don't have to make it washable/durable.
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU!
I was looking high and low for a good idea how to fashion nice butterfly wings. You costumes are not only super-super cute but your instructions make it manageable. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
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