April 12, 2009

How to make paper leaves with veins

Paper rose with leaves

Recently I've been asked how to make the paper leaves with veins I sometimes use in my greeting cards. Let me show you my way of doing this in a step-by-step tutorial.

1. Cut out a paper leaf. I usually fold a sheet of colored paper in two and cut a symmetrical leaf shape around the fold.

Paper leaf

2. Fold the leaf in two.

Leaf folded in half

3. Grip it with narrow pointed tweezers, where you want a vein to be. Tip of the tweezers should be as close to the fold as possible.

Grip with tweezers

4. Without releasing the grip of the tweezers, twist them clockwise or counterclockwise, whichever works best for you.

Twist the tweezers

5. You've got a nice crease. Move the tweezers further on a little bit.

Grip with tweezers

6. Twist again, without releasing the grip.

Twist the tweezers

7. Repeat until you get all the creases you need: grip and twist.

Grip with tweezers

You can make parallel veins that go at an angle to the center, or change the angle a little all the time so that the creases diverge like a fan.

Twist the tweezers

Hold the leaf firmly, so that it's creased only where you want it to.


8. Make it to the other end of the leaf.

Almost finished leaf

9. Now you can open the leaf and use it in a greeting card etc.

Finished leaf

You've probably noticed that paper flower on the first photo. I explained how to make a simple paper rose for a greeting card earlier, and even produced a short video tutorial about it.


PaperDelite said...

this is a great idea... This really highlights a simple leaf.

Inna D. said...

Thank you, Archana!

Archana said...

oh I forgot to mention.... The dotted flower looks too cute.. That paper is perfect for flowers isnt it?

Inna D. said...

Thanks, Archana. It's plain printer paper :) I just marked the dots with a gel pen.

Anonymous said...

Great technique Inna!

Ana Baird said...

fantastic technique! I have a diferent one.

rumma said...

hi its nice

Inna D. said...

Colleen, Ana, rumma, thank you all! I'm glad you like this.

Ana, I like yours :) I also know a couple of other techniques, but like this one more.

rumma said...

hi i am a fan of urs.how r u?do u have a craft related business?thanks

Inna D. said...

Thanks, Rumma, it's just my hobby.

IG said...

I ve become your big fan....

Anonymous said...

Дякую Інно, у вас найкращий сайт про квілінг!)

Inna D. said...

Спасибо за комплимент :)

ashali said...

Its really helpful.

Inna D. said...

ashali, you're welcome! I'm glad you like it.

Anonymous said...

i am also intrested in it
im a fan of yours

Inna D. said...

Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

I am fond of Quilling, thanks a lot for your ideas:)

Inna D. said...

Пожалуйста :)

Angel said...

inna thanks for this tutorial.

Inna D. said...

You are welcome, Angelin :)

Ninie said...

Beautiful! Thanks!!! So helpful....

Inna D. said...

Thanks, Ninie!

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much - have been looking for a different leaf design for ages.