Another tutorial on quilled fringed flowers. This type is rather rear and I've never seen a detailed description of it. I already explained how to make simple fringed flowers earlier.
You will need double-sided colored paper, scissors, glue, a ready-made or a do-it-yourself slotted tool, or just a wooden toothpick.
1. Cut a paper strip about 2-3 cm (1 inch) wide and 10 cm (4 inch) long. Fold it lengthwise.

2. Create a fringe by making small cuts at 45 degrees along the closed edge.

3. Attach to its end a regular — 3 mm (1/8 inch) wide and 25-30 cm (10 inch) long — quilling strip. This will make the center of the flower.

4. Roll tightly using a toothpick or quilling tool, starting from the tip of the narrow strip.

You don't have to shape the petals, they will fluff up by themselves.

5. After the fringe is rolled up, glue its tip and hold for a couple of minutes to let the glue dry a little.

Now you can use your flower for a greeting card or any other purpose.

In order to make a flower of the type shown below use only a wide strip. In this case it should be longer, about 20-30 cm (8-12 inch). Don't glue a narrow strip for the center, start rolling the fringe right away.

To create a nice and smooth coiling when making a flower with center, try gluing the joint between the fringe and inner strip down to the coil. Do so right after you've finished rolling the center and before starting to roll the fringe. This will keep your coiling in place. Also, try rolling very tightly and apply a small amount (just a tiny dot) of adhesive after every wind.
Try different papers, too thick or heavy paper may be unsuitable for this technique. You may also want to use a thicker tool than the usual quilling tool, for example a wooden toothpick or a bamboo skewer.
Good luck!
I love your site and all the beautiful quilling. I am a quiller also in the US. I wish I had found your site before our trip to Israel this summer so I could have brought you some great quilling supplies and met you! If I get the chance to return, make a list and I will!!! I have left several comments on different pages, there are not of enough of Jewish designs out there, keep it up!
Thank you, Sonya! You're so sweet! I'm too happy to have found your site. Your quilling is great.
Hope to see you visiting my blog again :)
That is very cool - I've never seen fringed flowers like that. I'm going to have to try this technique. Thanks for sharing - and thanks for experimenting so the quilling world can benefit.
Thank you! I'm glad that an experienced quiller such as yourself can find something useful on my blog :)
This is just so beautiful.. i have never seen this kind of fringed flower.. jst so beautiful.. I'll surely try this out.. thanks a lot for sharing the tutorial..
You are welcome, Reshmi! I'm glad that you like it.
That is a great quilling! Beautiful flowers. Thanks for the tutorial too!!
Thank you, Phoenix.
Awesome ... inspirational ... so simple yet so beautiful ... will soon make such stuff ... thanks for sharing in so much detail.
Thanks :)
it's so beautiful, thank you for sharing the tutorial. i hope you dont mind if i make those flowers for my card
Of course I don't! That's the purpose of the tutorial. Would love to see your card ;)
merci je ne connaissais pas cette forme
wow..simply superb.eventhough i know this art before not much interested to try out.after seeing your works i have started to do lot of quilling.thank u so much..
your works are very beautiful.
Hello Inna, Your work has inspire me to start quilling, I have done a lot in the past but have unfortunately had to down tools for a another project. Could u recommend a shop I could purchase from papers etc. are they hard to come by here.
Hi Barbara,
You blogger profile isn't visible, so I can't figure out where you live. Here in Israel it's virtually impossible to purchase quilling supplies, that's why I hand-cut my paper and use a homemade quilling tool.
Also, you can always buy online. Just google for "quilling supplies"
Hi.. I love your creations..and this flower looks really beautifull..I have tried making the rasberry quilling project like yours..Please check it out with other quilling cards @ http://shrutiartgallery.blogspot.com.
Thank you, Shruti :)
from d past few days i am actually searching all over the internet from some proper & creative methods of quilling ...& i am so glad that i found ur blog ..its sooooo useful ..everything is explained in detail ..i feel as if i am actually attendin a quilling class !!
will check ur blog frequently now :D
Thanks for the kind comment! I'm glad that you find my blog useful. Keep checking, I'm going to add more quilling ideas and instructions soon :)
hi,thanks for this beautiful flower design. ur blog is truly interesting.
Thanks, Wong!
Thanks Inna!!!
You made them look so easy and I gave them a try and here's how mine looked like!:)http://twirlsandcurls.blogspot.com/2010/04/double-fringed-flowers-in-frame.html
you made my day!! i was so curious to know abt the method to make this!! simply amazing!! thanks a ton....
Thank you - so simple and so easy!!! I love it...
Thanks for your kind comment, Linda!
Hi Inna,
Your creations are simply superb.. I tried the double fringed flower and it came so nicely. Thank you for the most valuable tutorials. Thanks again.
Moon Roshan
Thank you, Moon Roshan!
es de lo mejor que he visto!! admirable ...un saludo desde Madrid
y mil gracias por compartir su arte
Thank you, Virginia!
i am an art sudent in jamaica and i love that you have such good pictures that i can practice from. i am creating my own tropical flower designs so i can be more original. thank you very much and keep creating to inspire more artists and crafters.
You're welcome! I'm glad you found this useful.
Большое спасибо за хорошее объяснение. Но двойной лепесток у меня почему-то не выглядет двойным - нет зазора (сдвига ) между полосками в лепестке. За счет чего он получается? Спасибо.
Попробуйте использовать более толстую бумагу, сдвиг получается за счет того, что внешняя полоска наматывается на бОльший диаметр, чем внутренняя, разница получается из-за толщины бумаги, так с каждым витком сдвиг становится все больше и больше.
Очень красивый цветок. А у меня не получается сдвиг между краями лепестков, т. е. лепесток не "резной". Как этого достичь?
Читайте комментарий прямо над вашим, я там уже объяснила.
Thanks for giving tutorial to make this beutiful flower
You are welcome, Neha!
i loved this beautiful creation of ur's... i am new to the quilling world so keep looking for new ideas.... will surely try this out... and post it to my blog
Thanks, Jovita!
Inna, I love your blog, I have been a follower for a long while, not sure if I ever commented on here though. I just blogged about your fringed flowers after someone seen my version, and I told everyone to come here and follow you, hope that is ok. Maybe come check out my blog, and follow me, if you like. :)
Melissa D
Thank you, Melissa!
super, super !!!
Thank you!
Hey this is a great tutorial Inna.. Will definitely try them out soon on my blog. Let me see if I am able to come close to your perfection!
awesome !!! wonderful job!! I tried this and came out very well!!
Its so Cute...thanks for the share...planning to make some for a birthday cards....thanks...
Waaaaaa.... keren banget!!!
amazing idea! thanks for share.
Thanks a lot!
Simple & Clear instruction ... Thanks for sharing the tutorial ... Would love to try this out ... your quilling is just amazing ... :)
Thank you, Suchitra!
this is very different :D brilliantly done :D I feel like trying it right now :D
Inna! Thank you for the great flowers! Please, can you make a video tutorial how to make double fringed flowers?!
Hi Inna,
While googling for fringed flower tutorial came across ur unique creation of double fringed flower tutorial n simply fell in LOVE with it:)
Its simply AWESOME ...SUPERB...I simply don't have words 2 express ...
I tried it on my projects ...Hope u like it ...
Do visit my blogland n I wud be glad if u tell me how its come out although it has not come out the way u have done it...will try to be perfect the next time...
Dear Inna I love this tutorial and am linking to this tutorial in my Paper flower tutorials blog post. Thank You so much
Paper flower tutorials
Dear Inna,
I love your site! I stumbled upon it while looking for flower tutorials and saw your link at Sonya"s blog. You're a great artist.
My dear readers, thank you very much for your kind comments!
Thank you.......i have saved ur pages........God ble
ss u!!!
Ciao Inna , sono appassionata di questa tecnica che ho scoperto 1 anno fa. grazie per i suggerimenti e i tutorial che mi insegnano come lavorare!! non ho attrezzi, qui dove abito io, Ancona (Italia)non riesco a trovarli , me li sono fatti da me ! anche le strisce non ho trovato e uso fogli colorati da disegno che taglio io . Grazie a te sto imparando tante cose! Vuoi visitare il mio blog ?? spazioallamiafantasia.blogspot.com
Really amazing creativity..! I love your Blog :) Keep going & help new craft bloggers like me.
i really loved your blog and also it is very helpfull for beginners like me...and even you inspired me for making such beautifull quilling...!!!
Was very helpful to learn in a easy manner. So creative. Hats off . Thanks for sharing and teaching.
très jolies fleurs je vais essayer merci pour le partage plein de jolies creations sur votre site bravo
I had never seen such fringed flower.thank you for sharing this one..
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